Welcome to Jaguar Politics!

Welcome ladies to our AP U.S. Government blog. I want this to be a way to continue our class discussions outside of school. Although your participation is required, this is YOUR blog! I will pick a majority of the topics for discussion, but please let me know about political topics you would like to talk about. Enjoy and have fun!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Do African Americans Trust the Police? (Please respond by Friday, March 30 at 8:00 AM)

In response to the recent murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida, I felt we should touch on this issue. I have included an interesting, yet potentially controversial article, I found while reading CNN. I have included this article below. The question I have for you is a simple one, yet complex: Do African Americans overall trust the police? Take this question and respond as you like. My only request is to be respectful in your responses.

Police Article

Friday, March 16, 2012

Obama's Reelection Campaign (Please respond by 8:00 AM on Friday, March 23)

For our discussion blog this week, I want you to take a look at an article I have included below about Joe Biden's campaign plan. After reading this article and thinking about the plan the Obama administration is devising to win reelection, I want you to tell me your plan. If you were working for President Obama, what would be your plan for reelection? Which demographics would you target? What states would you focus a large amount of campaigning in? Please give me a clear vision of what your particular plan would be.

Biden's Reelection Campaign

Friday, March 9, 2012

How do we handle Iran? (Please respond by Friday, March 16 at 8:00 AM)

For our next weekly blog entry, I felt it was important to address the ever changing crisis with Iran. I have attached an article published today by TIME Magazine which raises the question as to how should the United States handle the escalating crisis with Iran? Since Israel is a major ally of the United States and the fact they are strongly considering an attack on Iran, President Obama has a difficult decision to make. Please share with the class your thoughts on how the United States should handle this situation as well as what you predict will be the final outcome.

Conflict with Iran Article

After hearing some of the main points President Obama described in his State of the Union speech, do you believe he is taking America in the right direction?
