Welcome to Jaguar Politics!

Welcome ladies to our AP U.S. Government blog. I want this to be a way to continue our class discussions outside of school. Although your participation is required, this is YOUR blog! I will pick a majority of the topics for discussion, but please let me know about political topics you would like to talk about. Enjoy and have fun!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Open Post (Please respond by Friday, April 20 at 8:00 AM)

You asked for it, and I listened. Without further delay, this is your "open blog post" week. Your task is to post on anything happening in the world of politics, government, or anything else related to topics we have covered in this class. Respond to your classmates posts, start a healthy debate, and let's see where these conversations go!

After hearing some of the main points President Obama described in his State of the Union speech, do you believe he is taking America in the right direction?
