Welcome to Jaguar Politics!
Welcome ladies to our AP U.S. Government blog. I want this to be a way to continue our class discussions outside of school. Although your participation is required, this is YOUR blog! I will pick a majority of the topics for discussion, but please let me know about political topics you would like to talk about. Enjoy and have fun!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Concerned about America? (Post due by Friday, Sept 2 at 8:00 AM)
For our first blog post of the year, I wanted to start off with a basic question which seems to be in the news nearly everyday. My question to all of you is very simple: what is your biggest concern about the United States today? Please make sure your thoughts are insightful, yet also respectful to your fellow classmates.
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The concern I have about America is whether or not the economy will be as good as it once was. After 9/11 the economy took a plunge for the worst and as a nation we have tried to put the pieces of America's economy back together. It is stressful and has put strain on the majority of the families and people who struggle to keep up with the unemployment, the high gas prices, and all the other negative effects that have taken a toll on us all. I worry that as I get older this problem will only grow to become an extensive dilemma that will be part of the norm and soon people will cease to help reinforce our economy.
My biggest concern for the United States right now is abortion. Yeah, a lot of people talk about it and have conflicting opinions on it but I don't think it is getting the attention it deserves. Abortion is a serious problem and it really annoys me that our president is okay with it. That isn't me being an over obsessive Republican but it's me being a concerned citizen. I do not think it should ever be allowed to even consider taking an innocent baby's life. Of course there are going to be cases where either a teenager didn't 'plan' on getting pregnant or an innocent woman gets raped and has to live with the permanent reminder of something so horrible and although both of these situations would be extremly difficult, that should never be an excuse to murder a completly innocent baby's life and rob that child of having a future. That child will never get to experience the great qualities of life that the majority of people in todays society take for granted and that is just wrong. I think abortion is something that needs to be made illegal in every state and should be put to an end immediatly. I know that there are many important issues going on in our country today that many people could view as more important but this is the one thing that really stands out to me.
My biggest concern for America today is the inability for our government to agree on important legislation that is needed to keep our country and our people safe. It seems that, as in Katrina or in the BP oil spill, whenever a disaster strikes neither side can agree on what to do, and then the aid that is desperately needed by the people is tied up by bureaucratic arguments and red tape. If the United States is going to be effective in providing any sort of services to its people, then it has to put aside the party labels and do what is good for the people. Another issue that I am concerned about is healthcare. If the Republicans and the Democrats do not come to some sort of agreement, then we will see this system fail. Medicare and Medicaid are already running out of money, and fewer and fewer doctors are getting reimbursed for taking on Medicare/Medicaid patients. I believe that we need the government to act in a timely manner to these issues that our country is facing or else we will be in a worse state than we are already in.
Americans have many issues to be concerned about ranging from the debt the United States has to the inability for the government to get along. My main concern for the United States is all the issues the government has to deal with piling up on each other. Everyone in the country is affected by these problems and will continue affecting people in the future. My generation are the ones who have to suffer the consequences due to the mistakes the government has made. There are too many problems in the United States that my main concern for the United States is them piling up causing the government to be unable to fix all the main issues to fix the economy
My biggest concern in the United States today is the rate of unemployment. It seems to be continually getting worse and more and more people can not find jobs. This is causing many issues for people because without a steady income they can't afford everyday things such as food for their family and gas for their car. It gives me great concern because so many of these people took all the rights steps such as going to college and working hard to have a successful career in the future. For our generation, this is very scary because some colleges cost up to $50,000 a year and if you can't find a job after college, what are we going to do with all that debt? We are all taught to work as hard as we can, but what happens when we still can't find a job?
The largest concern i have for the United States is the growing lack of respect people today have for the government. With all the media concetrating on the negative aspects of government, there are still many positive things they are doing for the country. This lack to realize the hard work from each branch can potentially damage our country because no one will want to vote. This will result in the inability to choose leaders that will benefit us and our country. Without support and participation, our government will become even more corrupt than it is viewed to be today and consequently the economy and country in general will decrease in efficiency.
My biggest concern about the United States today is the economy. With about 14% of our nation being below the poverty line, unemployment being over 9%, and a huge national debt, it is obvious that the economy is a problem. Legislators seem to be having issues handling our current economic problems, especially the country's debt. As the baby boomer generation is reaching retirement age, the costs for social security and medicare will soar, and will ultimately fall onto our generation. The baby boom generation will greatly increase the demand and the burden on both our federal and state budgets. Our nation's economy is faced with many issues, and it is definitely my largest concern currently about our country.
My biggest concern for the United States is the amount of debt that we are in right now. As our debt increases, our economy is also trying to make a recovery, which makes our debt nearly impossible to decrease. Moreover, unemployment rates are increasing and are higher than they've ever been. With the loss of jobs, this also makes it harder for those who are unemployed to contribute to the economy since they themselves are also struggling to make ends meet.Therefore, many citizens have been criticzing the government about their spending, which has resulted in heated debates and harsh criticism coming from the people of America.
My biggest concern for America is the always growing national debt. I worry that now that the debt ceiling has been raised, money will be unnecessarily spent to start new programs, thus adding debt, instead of beginning to pay off the vast amount of debt we already have. With the unemployment rate being so high and the economy still going through a rough patch, we can not afford to be spending money that we do not have. The country already has to pay unemployment to all those who qualify. That is an exceptional amount of money since unemployment is so high. Basically, I think government spending needs to be cut in order to preserve our country's economy for the future.
My biggest concern currently about our government is our economy in general, and the vast amount of debt and unemployment. History repeats itself so i think that our economy will eventually become as strong as it once was, however I can't help but think about the future economical situation. We are trillions of dollars in debt ( and keep spending money we don't have), how much debt will the U.S be in when our children are growing up? I admit that I don't know much about our government today, however I do think that our President is very weak. I know that existing problems were placed on Obama when he came into office, however he hasn't done anything, in my opinion, to fix the problems.
My biggest concern for the United States today is the fact that unemployment rate is so high. There are many people living in this world who have parents and children they need to take care of. Without the employment these citizens start to fall under the poverty line and cannot afford to provide for their families. This is also one of my biggest concerns in the fact that whenever unemployment goes up it seems that the economy goes down. With the huge national debt that we have today we simply cannot afford for the unemployment and debt to get any worse. So in order to get the United States back on track we need to increase the level of employment which might then help slowly boost the economy to where it once was decades ago.
My biggest concern for America today is the issue of social security for elderly Americans. When social security was first created by FDR, it was meant to relieve worries, not create them. Today America faces the problem of too many elderly Americans with not enough working people to pay for their social security benefits. It is believed that the working generation that is paying for social security for elderly Americans today may not be provided with this same service when they retire. If the social security system is not altered, these people who have worked hard throughout their lives may sadly be forced to live below the poverty line for the remainder of their time as living Americans. Elderly Americans could also be forced to remain in the workplace until they are physically unable to work just so that they can save enough money to provide for their basic needs. I think that just like students deserve a fun summer vacation after a long school year, elderly American citizens should be rewarded with financial stability after many years in the workplace.
My biggest concern about the United States is the inability for anyone with opposing ideas to get a long. I understand that everybody has their own opinions and that many people feel very strongly about their political beliefs, but I really hope that the leaders of out government can find a way to make important decisions peacefully. We all depend on the governmnent to protect us and keep us safe by doing what is best for the country, but everyone has a different idea of what would be 'best' for the United States, and all of these conflicting political thoughts make it difficult to come to conclusions and make decisions. I worry that our government will become severly divided and, as a result, weakened.
The biggest issue in American today I believe is the high amount of debt our country is in. Every second more and more money is added to the debt of our country and there seems to be little effort to pay it off. Every program and so called "solution" that has been made to decrease our debt has had the opposite effect; created more. With the debt rate rising so severely I am worried about what our future will be like, when the country has plummeted to the point where we must rely on everyone but ourselves. The debt issue needs to be solved, by cutting back costs or some other way; or else The United States of America will come crashing to a stop.
My biggest concern for the United States today would be the public participation in the governing of our nation. The Founding Fathers founded our democratic government on the idea that from the citizens' consent to be governed and their participation in running and creating the government, we would be able to have a government in place for behalf of it's people. To have a government that the people agree to be governed by comes from the decision and execution of the citizens themselves. To not agree with what a presidential candidate's platform, proceed to insult their campaign, and never turn to the voting booths to take a stance or chance at making a difference in what they think is right is pure hypocritical. Voting turn outs for presidential elections have been very low in the past 30 years. The highest voting turn-out year was in 1876 (135 years ago!) was at 81.8% of the voting age population compared to the 55.37% of the voting age population that turned to the polls during the 2008 presidential election.
To have young public participation in the government the younger generation of of our society, 18 to 25 year-old citizens, need to be more politically educated when it comes to choosing the next president or whether or not to pass a law about, lets say, abolishing abortion. Taking time to research candidates and bills to be passed does take work and cannot be found in just one place or type of media. With candidates these days bashing each other to win the position, it is better to look directly at what each candidate says they stand for. The younger generation, and every generation, needs to take a stance and voice their opinions on issues because the issues we are addressing today will be affecting us when we become adults.
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